rain on me
Friday, 26 September 2008 | 3:19 pm

Long time no blog...

...not counting that thing about Asian Flush. Anyway, has anyone ever kept a diary? I used to when I was little, pretty darn awesome stuff I tells ya. The best part is looking back on it a good 8 years later and laugh at all the stuff that used to be a huge deal then. Every entry started with "sorry I haven't written for so long" (who the fuck was I apologizing to?) and every second entry was about the latest crush, be it a celebrity or some loser at school.


Not much has changed.


Sunday, 21 September 2008 | 3:52 pm

"Asian Flush"

We had Kymbat's birthday party last night. Mmm yeah it was pretty fun. Lots of dancing and cruiser drinking. Anyway, I found out last night that some of my friends are allergic to alcohol, I mean, red faced after only a tiny amount and feeling sick. So I came home and looked it up (I have nothing better to do with my life) just to see if there was something different in vodka that causes allergic reactions. LOL, apparently 50% of asians lack and enzyme that breaks down alcohol, so they start feeling sick and turn bright red. My mum does this and I always thought she just had a low tolerance for alcohol; who knew it was the "Asian Flush" at work? Seriously, google it.


P.s - I take after my dad thank GOD