rain on me
Tuesday 19 August 2008 | 8:35 pm

The One...

with the hot med student.

On Sunday we had the Melbourne Uni open day and I caught up with an old friend from primary school and we caught up whilst Chan and Ying were getting information on commerce and engineering courses. We were pretending to be interested but well, I want to do medicine and he wants to do law/journalism so yeah. That was pretty fun, he was checking out all the hot females and I was checking out all the hot males. Fun! Then he left to go to the footy (or cricket or YAWN) with his friends so Chan, Ying and I got free krispy kremes then found Tara, Kymbat, Prabhas, Jonno and Dwighty the 12yo.

Anyway, how is the hot med student title even relevant I hear you ask? Well it all started when Fishman gave me the first 2 seasons of How I Met Your Mother *insert flashback here*. I watched the entire first season on Friday and Saturday nights (ooops, spesh sac). Barney the womanizer plays this game called "Hi, haaave you met Ted?" where he says that to some random girl in the bar then makes his friend Ted have a conversation with said random girl. I was curious to see if it would work so I played a variation called "Hi, haaaave you met Prabhas?". Well it sort of worked on one of the (female) med students, Prabhas and the girl got talking...but I think she felt obliged.

Outside the med building there were people playing music and this really hot middle eastern singer caught my (and kymbat, chan, ying and tara's) collective eye. Hehheh. I told Prabhas we should go get his number and I wrote on a pamphlet "Hi, my friend wants your number" and got Prabhas to hold it up whilst everyone stood around pointing at Tara. HAHAHA. Tara turned BRIGHT RED. Turns out this guys name was Prad, he was a first year med student and did I mention, he was HOT. I did it for Tara, you know how she's always wanted a muso boyfriend *wink*.

I tried the "Hi, have you met Prabhas" line on an asian girl at Nandos but completely freaked her out. I think she thought I was coming onto her and was going to stalk her home or something. Too bad Prabhas, no hot girl waitress for you! The girl at the sunglass place also turned Prabhas down but only because she had a boyfriend. Better luck next time!

Ok that story didn't really make sense. A bit rushed I'm afraid. The point is, How I Met Your Mother is FREAKIN AWESOME and its fun to make Tara blush :)


Wednesday 13 August 2008 | 10:45 pm

M1 - If drinking excessive amounts of tea and coffee is a form of self-medicating then load me on a shuttle bus and send me straight to rehab!

M2 - You're bananas. Stop talking to yourself.

Saturday 2 August 2008 | 10:56 pm

To life, death...

...and everything in between.

Dear stranger,

Though I never knew you, you taught me that life can end so abruptly, and often too early. Though I never knew you, I am saddened by your passing.

So here's to life. Here's to the rare glimpses of joy, compassion and love that we fail to appreciate; swallowed up by our trivial fears and worries. You never know how much time you have left, so don't waste a minute.

Wherever you are, may you find happiness and rest forever in peace,
- M

"Fairness does not govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young...the human spirit knows, deep down, that all lives intersect. That death doesn't just take someone, it misses someone else, and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lives are changed." - Mitch Albom

Friday 1 August 2008 | 11:55 pm

Faeces Inc.

Yay, I've finally got me a formal dress! No more stressful Sundays spent shopping! I got it for a good price too, which is always a plus. Now I just need to buy shoes and a bag and tickets and pay for the limo and figure out how to finance my hair and makeup. Yay for brokeness!

Sat the UMAT on Wed and screwed up. Goodbye dreams of studying medicine and hello boring desk job anyone?

I should probably explain the title, for anyone whos still reading. It all started when I called Ying "Yingy-poo" in Lit last year. Then I started calling Chan "Chanbum". Tara was calling me "Malaisa" because the cake shop spelt my name wrong on a birthday cake TWO friggin years ago so Chan and Ying retaliated by renaming me "Malaosai" (Lao sai means diarrhea). Poor Tara got dragged into the fray when I named her "Taranus" and just so Kymbat didn't feel left out, Chan gave her a nickname too..."Poobat". Anyway, Yen nie can be "Yen Pee" and Rowena can be "RoWEEEEEna" (please don't murder me in my sleep, I'm totally scared of you!)

Tara even has a theme song which I made up on the bus [and got many weird looks thank you very much] but it's an unfinished work of art and also a bit rude so maybe I won't post it.

Forever your darling diarrhea