Sunday, 27 April 2008 | 10:04 pm
Nam and Michelle's wedding
We woke up at about 7 to get to the pre-wedding official giving of angpows, presents, pigs and chickens ceremony. Nam's family gave Michelle's family food in exchange for their daughter. Fair trade I say, Michelle's not very edible. Then all the relatives drink tea and give the to-be-married couple angpows and necklaces. Heaps of people crammed into Uncle Eddie's and Aunty Rosie's tiny house and scrambled to get a good view of the tea drinking and necklace giving. Unfortunately I don't have many good quality photos because:
1. Daphne told me to record everything using their camcorder so I gave my camera to mum. 2. Mum can't take photos. 3. There were too many freaking people wandering around and they would pop into photos just as you took them. A photographers worst nightmare I tell you. Speaking of photographers. One of the photographers was really hot but short. And married. Bleh They came bearing gifts, and the pig that died for Nam and Michelle's love. Romantic no?
 Monica the beautiful bridesmaid and me, looking severely underdessed (too early in the morning for nice hair and makeup, sorry)
 Aren't they all looking spiffy? Especially Aunty Rosie!
The blushing bride and her husband-to-be
Saying their vows
 The bridal car was a Hummer. A HUMMER. I hate hummers, they're so big and unecessary. But anyway, we all went to Deer Park where they were having their catholic wedding. I know I'm going to be flamed for this, but being in a church makes me uncomfortable. Especially a catholic one, because everything is so dressed up that you can't help but feel a little self-conscious. Plus, the audience is expected to participate in the ceremony. You can't just sit there have to repeat the blessings of the priest! Sorry, but hearing him tell the church that women were made to do whatever a man wants us to do wasn't very romantic. Ridiculous! It's as if women's lib never happened! After the cermony, Chan and Ying's parents came with us for Yum Cha at Gold Leaf. We had to rush home after that because my brother had table tennis lessons. Took me half an hour to do my hair and it was RAINING outside. My toes were starting to really hurt from being crammed into my peep toe shoes but oh well, got over it. Picked up Darren to take him to the reception because the rest of his family had to pick up some other guests and he couldn't fit in the car. The reception was at Sheldon Receptions in Sunshine. It was a BEAUTIFUL place and the food was real damn good. They had this amazing staircase, and raised seats for the bride, groom and all the other important people. Pity they didn't use it though. Behind it there was a wall of running water. On each table their was this white floral tree thing. Sheldon Receptions would have been absolutely perfect for the deb ball if it weren't in the middle of nowhere. *sigh* I just love the staircase. See?
 The high table and wall of running water
 Darren and Kevin's family with Nam and Michelle
 Eugeypoo, me and Kevkev
 Flower tree!
 I didn't take any photos of the food but initially, Darren and I were seating with Kevkev and Eugene on the kiddy table. They fed us KIDS food. Seriously! I think us four were the only ones to be subjected to that kind of torture! They even put menus on our table so we knew what everyone else was eating. The kiddy food was like, [disgusting] potato cakes, fried fish, MSG flavoured fried rice, sweetcorn soup with tofu and others i've forgotten. On the adults table? LOBSTER, QUAIL, PRAWNS, STICKY RICE, MANGO PUDDING, AGGGGHHHH! Me, being the genius that I am, quickly noticed that there were 2 empty seats on my parent's table so Darren and I scooted over there in time for lobster. Really, all we missed out on was the entree and my dad brought some over for me anyway (none for Eugeypoo, Ba loves me more). Darren kept accusing me of offending Daphne...but I didn't do anything!! Ooh...there were these really hot waitors. I didn't get a photo unfortunately. I think he was a bit freaked out by me, because Darren and I were laughing that we'd managed to outwit the caterers and get adult food so I kind of waved at him in a 'HAH in your face' way and that kind of looks like my 'HEY YOU'RE HOT' wave and he gave me a weird look and walked off. Oops. I'd just like to talk about that lobster. It was a whole lobster, shell and all, resting on a bed of noodles. The meat still inside, and not pathetically shrivelled, no, it was still full of meat. And oh, it tasted fan-freakin-tastic. Jealous? The champagne was really nice too, but I didn't drink it all. Just a little when we were toasting but I gave the rest to Darren because I didn't particularly want to get pissed. All the speeches and stuff went on for AGES. Hardly got to dance. I reckon receptions are only fun if you're a good friend of the bride or groom, and your parents aren't there. There was a bit of dancing, but the DJ was crap. He played all those cliched wedding love songs, and played Shania Twain's 'From this moment on' TWICE. Unforgivable. Uncle Eddy went around the room about 3 times and stopped at each table to have a beer and yell "YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM SEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNG" at each one. I'm not talking about a pissy wineglass either, he was drinking out of a HUGEASS glass. By my calculations, he drank about 30 of these huge glasses (perhaps more). That guy sure can drink. It was a wonder he was still standing at 12 in the morning. He had to be helped to a table after throwing up by the dancefloor where he promptly threw up again (narrowly missing my shoes I might add) so I went to get him some tea and Darren got him some water and he skidded through the puke. I know he stepped in it cos we could smell it in the car on the way home LOL. The party was just getting started when we left :( The floor was packed, lights dimmed and music pumping. NO FAIR! Somebody I know hurry up and get married so I can party! I feel sorry for the wait staff though. I don't think the party would have wound down till about 4 so they'd have to stay there and clean up our shit. Fun stuff. Hard to think that it's Michelle getting married though. Weird. Love, Mel
Friday, 25 April 2008 | 5:01 pm
My life so far...
has been and endless whirl of tutors, homework and cold fingers. I'm wearing 4 layers and a scarf today and it's still freezing cold in my room. I think biologists must have got it wrong, humans (ie. me) can be cold-blooded creatures. I'm feeling decidedly sloth-like in this cold. I can hardly move my fingers to type this. Anyway, it's a public holiday today but tell that to my asian tutors! I had chem tuition today for the first time, started at 8am! Then I came home, tried to write a few english essays but didn't even manage to finish a single one! Then Albert the physics tutor came over (2nd time I've had physics) and tried to teach me how amplification transistors work. By that time I was really tired and cold. So yeah, kind of zoning out. I was literally cross-eyed with tiredness. He must have noticed because he started speaking really slowly. Either that or I'm going out of my mind. Mid-way through physics, my English tutor called. My mum accidentally picked up the extension line and we both hung up on my english tutor. She was preeety pissed off when she called back. In my defence, I couldn't find her phone number (my phone was out of battery) but still, I kept apologizing and yeah, she was still mad. She told me she was back from Cambridge and could I please come to her house at 4:30. My immediate thought was FUDGE! I HAVEN'T DONE ANY OF THE 523987 ESSAYS SHE TOLD ME WRITE. So I told her I couldn't and didn't go. Good thing too. I don't think my brain can take any more of this abuse. Tomorrow is Michelle Fei Fei's wedding and I still have remnents of nail polish from the holidays, which were like FOUR weeks ago. I'm such a slob. We have to be at her house at 9AM tomorrow to follow the bridal train or something. Ugh. That means getting up at something like 7-in-the-freaking-morning to do my hair and makeup! Which MEANS, I have to wash my hair, remove nail polish, paint nails, defoliate and figure out how to do my hair TONIGHT. Bleh. Oops. I just remembered that mum lent me her phone and I haven't returned it yet. In fact, I have no idea where it is at the moment. WOW I really need to clean my room. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER WOMAN! I give up already. In other news, I downloaded a shiteload of music (something to the tune of 92 songs?) the other day and my internet isn't capped. YAY! I watched Juno yesterday because I wanted an excuse to download the soundtrack. I was not disappointed. Good movie, must watch. Alright, I must now include some of the songs that I liked from that download spree, because your interest is piqued right? Right? Well it is now! CLICK HERE FOR THE MIXTAPE I MADE JUST FOR YOUOk that's it from me Love, Mellojellogirlygirlwhoprobablywon'tupdateforanothermonth Pee.ess - There are problems with the mixtape on Mozilla Firefox so uh, use a different web browser
Monday, 21 April 2008 | 5:49 pm
Got into a fight....
at work. What happened was this. You see, we have this regular customer who is used to paying $2.50 for his coffee right? Anyway, I accidently charged him $3.00 and he went totally beserk. The bastard launched himself over the counter at me and knocked me backwards. I landed in a pile of glass and that's how I cut my hand.
That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
I didn't cut my hand by accidently missing the shelf I was stacking latte glasses onto. I certainly didn't cut my hand by smashing said latte glasses into the shelf. Oh no, I'm not that much of a klutz!
Love, Mel
Pee.ess - I'm not so much unique as I am totally bananas. Unique makes me sound cool, but I'm actually not.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008 | 7:16 pm
Tuition all over the place, homeworking the rest of the time. There seriously isn't time anymore for me to do fun stuff. I'm supposed to be updating but I really don't have anything of interest to say.
I did my english SAC today, and I tried to memorise it but halfway through the first paragraph I stumbled and as I was trying to remember what it was I wanted to say, Starbuck was looking at me with those creepy eyes and AGH. Hope I didn't fail.
Rowena's having a sushi night at her place on Friday. I'm excited but I reckon that the non-bh-ers are kind of scratching their heads right now and thinking, "sounds a little like knitting night or something". Well it's LIKE knitting night except I'll be there and things will be so much cooler [because of me].
Oh. OH! I should make this a weekly thing but here's an ASHLEY DUMB MOMENT. He has many, I might have to make it a tri-weekly thing? Chan and I were walking past as he was talking to Dhanish he said, "he RAPED me, he was happily RAPING me". I thought I'd misheard but no, Ashley is that dumb, Chan will also confirmed this.
I'm trying to think of anything funny that's happened but well, I've lost my sense of humour.
Ok, try this.
Mel's joke of the week Eugene: Hey Jie, how do they make mango pudding? Me: Hmmm...I guess they just pudd the mango in. GEDDIT?
I think I need to get a life.
Love, Mel
Monday, 7 April 2008 | 9:15 pm
Random things like life
I think everyone to a certain degree is afraid of rejection. Not only in love, but when asking for a job or even just trying to make friends. Melissa: guilty as charged. I'm the biggest coward on the planet. I may sometimes seem loud and overconfidant [with good reason, I'm totally hot] but really, I even admit I'm not all that much. Within that amazingly attractive exterior lies the the heart of a cowardly lion. Ooh yes the secret's out.
I just wonder what kind of completely unproductive life I'm going to have if I remain the gutless mouse that I am.
Love, Mel
Friday, 4 April 2008 | 1:46 pm
The Dentist
My dentist went away :(, but then she was replaced by this hot younger guy, so I cheered right back up again. I was started to develop a crush on this hot younger dentist until he stuck the drill in my mouth and told me I needed sealants. Needless to say, the happy feelings went away and I realized that although he was hot, he was still a dentist. I hate dentists, no hard feelings k?
On the way home I walked into a bush. No joke. I was looking down a side street because there were some workers fixing power lines and I was wondering whether anybody still didn't have electricity when BAM. Into the bush I went. There was a car passing by and as I backed away from the bush, the driver looked out the window and LAUGHED. HE LAUGHED. Oh why, WHY do I always humiliate myself in public places?
Love, Mel
Pee.ess - I think I see a trend, I used to have a crush on my optometrist but now he's old so I don't anymore.
Thursday, 3 April 2008 | 9:54 pm
Let There Be Light!
And there was, because despite popular belief, the man upstairs loves us. Seriously, there was no electricity in this joint until about 20 minutes ago. Do you know how infuriating it is to see the people across the street with lights on, and you sitting there with a pathetic candle-lit flicker? It's hard to believe that before electricity, people had to stop working at 8:00pm because it was too dark to see! You kind of take these things for granted because everything these days use electricity. Not just the lights, but the internet modem, the computers and even the bloody alarm clock.
With electricity and light bulbs, we aren't limited to the constraints of daylight hours anymore and are sleeping later and later just trying to cram our hectic lifestyles into 17 hours. But in the pre-electricity days, they only had about 13 hours to do everything, given that at 7 the sun rises, and at 8, it sets. In this day and age, 17 hours isn't enough and people feel as if they have less time than ever when in reality; we literally have more time on our hands. Go figure. We've spread ourselves too thin. I vote continuous public holidays and a blanket ban on homework. Problem solved.
Anyway, I went to my mum's friends house and did some work, and now I'm about to go do more. So much to do, so little time!!
Love, Mel
Tuesday, 1 April 2008 | 11:15 pm
Belated Birthday Party Post
Had our bithday dinner on Sunday night. A couple of nights before, I had this sudden urge to wear purple tights with my black dress. I even painted my nails purple in preparation! I chickened out about an hour before I was supposed to leave so I just wore black tights instead. I'm just going to have to pluck up the courage to wear them out somewhere!
Got some late presents. The best would have to be the grey striped shirt dress that Ros gave me. She bought it in Singapore and it smells like my grandma's house. Everyone agrees it has a decidedly mothbally smell. Oh well, still my new favourite thing! Wonder if I can wear purple tights with it? Hmmm. Anyway, Mishy gave me a purple and black striped scarf. Mary gave me a purse, lipgloss, some lindt choccies and a couple of lollipops. Nhu gave me a green maze pen and green pig. Hoon gave me earrings and a necklace. Dhanish gave me $20 which is going to subsidize the cost of my superfluous cake. Kymbat gave me a photoframe with a pic of me enthusiastically hugging her. Thanks for the presents guys! It's always nice to get unexpected ones. Dinner was nice. I laughed a lot. I have photos to prove it too! Chan, Vanessa and me
 Me, Ying and Mish
 Me and Yen ting (Yen Nie's little sister)  Birthday boy and girls. Someone should have told Vik to wear black.  Mel poking Vik with a knife for not wearing black
 All of us  Me, Mish and Ting (she's SOO cute, she should marry Eugene)
 Love, Mel Pee.ess - Mel finds it hard to concentrate when hot guys are speaking to her. In fact, simple questions need to be repeated a few times in order for her to get a general idea of what they are asking. She learned this the hard way when she attempted to buy something from the hot guy at Sanity. He looked at her like she was stupid after she managed to stutter out a "wh-wh-wh-what?". That's not even a word. But he had really nice eyes!
Click Here
7th March
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